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A Woman Applying Hand Cream For Her Eczema During Winter

6 Tips for Eczema Relief in the Winter

Along with snow showers and cold temperatures, the winter season brings dry air. As a result, people with eczema often have severe flare-ups during the winter. Eczema not only causes dry and itchy skin, but this skin condition can make it uncomfortable to live your daily life.

At the Center for Surgical Dermatology, we understand the difficulty that eczema flare-ups present during this cold season. Our dermatologists have compiled a list of simple things you can do to control your eczema during the winter.

1. Avoid Skin Irritants

If you have common triggers for eczema, such as stress, heat, or exposure to certain allergens, you must stay vigilant to avoid these causes in the winter. In addition, there are many other skin irritants that pop up in the winter. Layering on clothing or bedding at night can cause your skin to dry out more than usual. 

Not to mention, winter usually requires heavier fabrics, such as wool, that can lead to flare-ups. Avoid layering on these fibers that cause eczema to worsen. Instead, use breathable materials for your clothing and bed linens.


2. Stay Hydrated

Drinking water is important for your overall well-being, including your skin health. If your body is hydrated, you help your skin to stay more naturally hydrated, too. Most doctors recommend drinking an average of eight glasses a day. This simple task will have you feeling better from the inside out.


3. Invest in a Humidifier

Putting a humidifier in your home may seem counterintuitive, but it’s more helpful than you may think! While the weather outdoors may be gloomy, cold, and wet, your indoor heating system pushes dry, warm air throughout your home. This dry air affects your skin, reducing moisture and irritating your eczema. By investing in a humidifier, you can add moisture to your indoor air. 


4. Skip The Hot Bath

We get it–sometimes, there’s nothing better than relaxing in the bath after a cold, winter day. However, heat is known to dry out your skin. In the winter, it’s best to avoid taking hot baths and instead use warm water for short periods of time. Turn that 30-minute bath into a 10-minute shower, and you’ll feel more hydrated and restful in the long term. 


5. Create a Winter Skincare Routine 

During the winter months, your skin needs extra intentionality around moisture. Also, people with eczema will often have sensitive skin. During winter, update your normal routine and use a gentle soap and a thicker, hydrating moisturizer. Bath products, such as oatmeal bath soaks, can also help keep your skin hydrated.  Furthermore, it may be necessary to moisturize your skin more than once a day during the winter months to keep your eczema-prone skin well-hydrated.


6. Don’t Forget To Meet with Your Dermatologist

Don’t suffer from itchy, flaky skin alone. An experienced dermatologist can help you walk through the best treatment options for you. From antihistamines and antibiotics to skin creams and light therapy, a dermatologist will help you feel comfortable.


Find Relief with Eczema Treatment at the Center for Surgical Dermatology 

Center of Surgical Dermatology is the largest medical and surgical skin treatment and wellness facility in Central Ohio. Since 2007, our board-certified dermatologists, fellowship-trained Mohs surgeons, and caring professional staff have provided patients with effective skincare treatments they can trust in an environment second to none. 

Learn more about our state-of-the-art Dermatology Center before booking your appointment today.

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