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Woman With Beautiful And Radiant Skin After Dermaplaning And Microneedling

Dermaplaning vs. Microneedling: Which is Right for You?

With so many aesthetic procedures on the market, it’s easy to get confused! Recently, we’ve seen confusion about the differences between dermaplaning and microneedling. Therefore, our experts provide some details so you can decide what’s best for your skin goals. 


What is Dermaplaning?

Some people think dermaplaning is just the removal of facial peach fuzz (essentially shaving), but it’s so much more than that! Dermaplaning is a procedure in which the top layer of dead skin, dirt, and fine hair are removed with a scalpel. The goal can also be to improve the appearance of mild acne scars and fine wrinkles’ appearance. 

Although plenty of DIY kits are being sold online, dermaplaning should always be performed by a board-certified dermatologist or specifically trained esthetician with a medical-grade scalpel. Any product you purchase off the shelf won’t have a blade as sharp as the one your dermatologist will use. They exfoliate the dead skin cells from your face, which helps make your skin look brighter.


What is Microneedling?

Microneedling can also improve the appearance of acne scars and minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. However, it is also used all over the body to reduce the appearance of scars, encourage hair growth, and offer many other benefits. 

Just like dermaplaning, over-the-counter solutions are being sold as microneedling devices. However, this procedure should only be performed in a dermatologist’s office. 

With microneedling, you are puncturing the skin with tiny needles. Your body reacts with a response to these minor wounds by producing collagen and elastic fibers during healing. Our body naturally produces less collagen as we age, so this procedure provides a “boost” to produce new collagen. 


So, Which is Best for You: Dermaplaning vs. Microneedling?

Both procedures will give you a positive result, but it depends on the goal of what you’re trying to accomplish. If you have scars you are trying to camouflage, microneedling is often helpful. However, if you’re looking to have an overall facial glow, dermaplaning is less expensive, and there’s no downtime or recovery time. You’ll look like you have a sunburn for about 48 hours with microneedling.

Dermaplaning and microneedling are both terrific skin rejuvenation treatments. That said, dermaplaning only impacts the surface of your skin, while microneedling goes deeper into the skin via tiny punctures. 

Some dermatologists recommend using dermaplaning before microneedling because it clears hair and dead skin cells to allow serums with microneedling to get deeper into your skin. 


Dermaplaning vs. Microneedling: A Personal Choice

It all comes down to a personal choice regarding dermaplaning or microneedling. Dermaplaning is less expensive and has less downtime, but it’s not nearly as effective on acne scars and fine wrinkles as microneedling. So speak to your dermatologist today about your skincare goals, and together, you can decide what’s appropriate for you.


Schedule a Skin Care Consultation with Our Experienced Providers 

Ready to achieve your best skin yet? During a skin care consultation, you’ll meet with one of our board-certified dermatologists or licensed aestheticians to discuss your skin concerns and goals. 

After a thorough discussion of your concerns and evaluation by our providers, our staff will offer specific skincare routine recommendations to improve the tone, texture, overall appearance, and health of your skin. We’re here to help you love the skin you’re in. Contact us today to schedule your skincare consultation. 


Dermatologist-Recommended Skincare at the Center for Surgical Dermatology 

Center of Surgical Dermatology is the largest medical and surgical skin treatment and wellness facility in Central Ohio. Since 2007, our board-certified dermatologists, fellowship-trained Mohs surgeons, and caring professional staff have provided patients with effective skincare treatments they can trust in an environment second to none. Learn more about our state-of-the-art Dermatology Center before booking your appointment today.

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