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Use Center For Surgical Dermatology’s Tips For Preventing And Treating Itchy Athlete’s Foot

An Effective Game Plan for Preventing and Treating Athlete’s Foot

Imagine — you’re at the gym, working up a sweat. You’ve just finished a good workout, and as you head back to the locker room, you notice your feet becoming incredibly itchy! Just a few days later, you find the skin on your feet is shedding, the itching is nearly unbearable, and there’s a slight burning sensation between your toes. 

Sounds like you’ve got a nasty case of athlete’s foot! 

Thankfully, athlete’s foot is easy to treat. But it’s even easier to prevent! Use our dermatologist’s game plan to prevent and treat athlete’s foot when you start your rigorous exercise regimen this year.

Preventing and Treating Athlete’s Foot 

Symptoms of Athlete’s Foot 

If you’re someone who has experienced athlete’s foot before, you likely already know there are few things more uncomfortable than this itchy, troublesome infection. However, if you’ve never had it before, you might be wondering what the symptoms and signs of athlete’s foot are. 

Here are the most common symptoms of athlete’s foot: 

  • Itching
  • Flaking
  • Burning
  • Dryness of the skin
  • Red Rashes
  • Bad Odor
  • Sensitive foot


How to Prevent Athlete’s Foot 

The best solution to athlete’s foot is preventing it in the first place! When going to the gym and achieving your fitness goals this year, don’t forget to keep our athlete’s foot prevention tips in mind. It’s essential to ensure the health and happiness of your feet if you want to stick to an active lifestyle. 

Center for Surgical Dermatology’s top tips on preventing athlete’s foot: 

  1. Ensure your feet are clean and dry. After every shower or bath, make sure to completely dry your feet to prevent the fungus that causes the athlete’s foot to grow. Remember, this infection finds it hard to flourish in clean, hygienic environments.
  2. Wear breathable footwear. In hot and humid conditions, choose breathable footwear, such as sandals or flip-flops, that allow your feet to air out and stay dry.
  3. Wear proper footwear at all times. Whether you’re walking around the gym, locker room, showers, or pool area, make sure to wear appropriate footwear to keep your feet protected. Athlete’s foot thrives easily in damp places and spreads through contact, so ensure your feet are always covered to prevent contracting the infection.
  4. Natural fabrics are best. When choosing socks, opt for breathable cotton or synthetic materials that wick away moisture and keep your feet dry. 


Top Treatments for Athlete’s Foot

Several effective treatments can help you banish athlete’s foot for good. For those with a minor case, OTC (over-the-counter) treatments may do the trick. However, if you have a more stubborn case of athlete’s foot, a prescription-strength medication might be necessary.

Over-the-Counter Treatments 

Over-the-counter (OTC) treatments are readily available for athlete’s foot. These can come as antifungal powders, sprays, ointments, and lotions. In most cases, athlete’s foot responds well to this form of treatment and doesn’t require additional treatment options.

Prescription-Based Treatments 

If you think you have athlete’s foot and its symptoms haven’t subsided after a week or so of using OTC treatment, it’s time to make an appointment to see a board-certified dermatologist. In situations like this, a prescription-based antifungal (either oral or topical) is often needed to get rid of the infection. 


Find Treatment at the Center for Surgical Dermatology

Have a stubborn case of athlete’s foot that’s refusing to go away on its own or with OTC medications? Get in touch with our expert team of dermatologists today for a more effective antifungal treatment option! We’re here to help restore the health of your skin and feet. 


Center for Surgical Dermatology is ready to help you achieve healthy, beautiful skin! If you’d like to visit with a dermatologist to develop your perfect skincare routine or need help addressing a skin infection, call (614) 847-4100 to schedule an appointment. 

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